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Week 1

Hey! Finally we write our first blog entry and I am really exited to tell you about last week. On Monday we tried to upload the videos about us on Padlet but unfortunately that didn't work out. That wasn't really a big problem because our teacher came up with a new idea on Tuesday. So we uploaded our videos on this website and created our site like we wanted. On the same day we made an exchange group and soon everybody had a correspontant! We all write now with our partners and we are really happy about that!

See you:)

-Viki Döhrn, 16.3

Hey! So this week it's my turn to tell you what we did in the last week. Nothing special happend, since we all have our Corespondantes. We didn't text that much in our whatsapp group but we all texted a lot with our exchange partners. Some of us sent each other fotos of the the room where they're going to sleep. We all got to know our exchange partners better.

We're all exited to finally meet each other in person:)

-Silvia Schwar, 26.3.2019

Week 3

Hi, I’m Nina and for week 3 I have to write our diary.

In this week we build Groups for the day when we come to Vienna. We also search for a program that we can do on Saturday and Sunday. All people they can’t come on Sunday with us to Vienna search a program for Saturday. On Sunday every group can do their own sightseeing and I’m very exciting to know and see each of you.


Nina Hartner (30.03.2019)

07/04/2019 Sunday
On Sunday we spent all the day in Vienna.
The first thing we’ve done was went to the city center that on there our exchange partners were waiting for us. For the rest of the day we made some activities about the project in the city. It was very funny because it’s a better way to get to know better the each others. Finally we went back to the hotel and we took a train to Graz. There our families take us home and we ate with them.
08/04/19  Monday
On Monday, we went to the school and it was the first time that we went there. The first thing that surprised us was that they were so many students and the school was so big too.
Another thing that impressed us was that they do classes with no shoes and most of us liked it so much. We did a lot of activities to know about each other. After that, we started to create the groups and the portfolio.
Then, when the school finished, we went on a open air museum (very beautiful, I liked it so much) and we had lunch there and in the afternoon we had a little tour around the area. Finally, by 5pm, the parents came to pick us up and all the families went to their houses.
10/04/19  Wednesday

We’ve been visiting Graz in groups today. First we went all together to visit the Clock Tower and then we rode down the longest indoor slide in Europe. It was so cool and we had a lot of fun.

After visiting the Clock Tower, we joined our little groups and started visiting Graz.

I will tell you about what my group and I did. We first went to a bar in which we drank some milkshakes, they were delicious to be honest. Then we started working on our project so we had lunch. We had to ask the waiter if they had a menu in English, they did.

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